
How reliable are the texts that you are asking us to translate? Have they been written in the right style, with the right words for this target audience? Can you be sure that they don’t contain any spelling mistakes or typos?

Proofreading involves checking and correcting the spelling and grammar in an original or translated text. For a translation, it also includes comparing it with the source text to make sure that the meaning, style, syntax, layout and structure match the original exactly, and that it includes all of the text that needed to be translated as agreed.

If there is a glossary, a translation memory and/or terminology reference documents that have been approved by the client, proofreading will also involved making sure they have been used properly.

As well as proofreading a text, editing involves adapting the content for a particular audience and local culture. Editing a text is essential when it comes to improving the fluency and impact of an original or translated text.

A proofreader will read and correct the words, while an editor will change the order and choose different words.

For documents designed to be published, including brochures, catalogues, manuals, leaflets, websites, contracts, reports, videos and any other documents demanding absolute accuracy, we offer an editing service as well as proofreading for your original and translated texts.

Need some proofreading?