

Well done! You’ve chosen to translate your website because you want to conquer the world with your products and services.

“No problem, I already have a website, all I need to do is translate it!”, you might say.

OK, but what software was used to create your website? Or did you go for a CMS to manage your online content? If so, does it support multilingual management? Is it easy to import and export online content? Does it contain images/videos/demos? Do you have an SEO strategy for your site? There are lot of questions you’ll need to ask yourself.

As well as the online content that will need to be adapted to local cultures, both in terms of style and substance, you will also have to think about the technical side of managing multilingual content for your online and interactive copy.

In other words, the strategic thinking that you apply to your website, videos, demos, SEO and copy is also essential in the translation phase if you want to guarantee a return on your investment.

Once you have chosen your online medium, you will need to put together a list of keywords before you start the translation/transcreation for your website. These keywords need to suit the habits and customs of the markets you are targeting. To finish off the job, you will also need to come up with suitable meta descriptions, headers and subheaders.

This goes for both the body text and the listings. You will then need to choose your images, the layout of the online content and the colours.

Oh yes, and then there are the videos and demos with subtitles that have to be translated and added…

And then, who is the best person to insert your translated content into the different online and interactive formats? The graphic designer or the translator? Would you be happy for a graphic designer to typeset the text in a language that he or she doesn’t speak?

Thanks to our in-house team, and working closely with our strategic partners and our network of experts, we can advise you and manage your multilingual online content, whether we’re translating your website, listings, videos and demos or e-learning material.

Need to translate your website?